This documentation is for Macro Recorder v4 beta. Click here the for current production version 3 documentation.


Record mouse paths

Macro Recorder records mouse clicks including the mouse path in between those clicks. If you don't need the movements for your automation tasks, you can disable tracking the actual path to minimize the macro file size.

Automations may depend on mouse hover events in your 3rd party application. If the automation does only playback clicks without the mouse movements, mouse hover events may not be triggered, such as menus that appear if you hover with the mouse over icons, etc.

Unless, you have a strong need to minimize the macro recording file, we recommend not to disable mouse path recording as you can filter mouse paths on demand.

Minimum mouse movement

Macro Recorder captures each X/Y mouse coordinate if the mouse is moved the minimum distance as defined by parameter "Minimum mouse movement".

Decreasing this value increases the number of captured mouse positions, thus increasing the mouse movement accuracy. However, as even tiny mouse movements are sampled, this results in a larger macro file size.

Low values increase accuracy of the mouse recording.

yHigher values values reduce the number of sampled mouse positions, thus decreases the precision for a smaller file size. If your macro includes mouse hover related tasks, make sure, that the mouse movement accuracy is set properly to hit the hover sensitive positions.

Mouse sensitivity

"Mouse sensitivity" determines the time rate for scanning the current mouse position. The higher the sampling rate, the higher the accuracy of the mouse recording.

Decrease this value only if the mouse recording requires too much CPU power on your computer.


Ignore multiple modifier key down events

Option "Ignore multiple modifier key down events" ignores multiple key down events when pressing keyboard shortcuts.

Explanation: If you press the hotkey CTRL + ALT + S for example, the operating system is continuously firing key down events for the modifier keys until you release the keys. However, in most cases, only one key down event would be sufficient.

A few games may take advantage of the repetitive key down events, so you can opt to not filter those events.


Parameter "Minimum wait time" defines the minimum time threshold, before to a new action item is added during a recording.

Example: If you move the mouse, make a pause and then continue to move the mouse, the parameter determines that the pause causes the action to break into two separate mouse movements.

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