Check out the new version 4 with many new features!

Keyboard actions

Macro Recorder captures individual key presses, with and without SHIFT, CTRL, ALT and WIN modifier keys. Multiple letter key presses can be combined into text output.


The keypress action simulates a single key press.

Macro Recorder sends the virtual key code, scan code and extended key flag to the operating system. You can specify a separate key-down and key-up event to allow adding automation in between.

If you automate key presses in games, you may need to experiment with the key press simulation option in Macro Recorder playback settings.

To simulate a long key press that outputs the same letter over and over, use the key press action with key down(!) and use the Repeat action to repeat the key down event. After that, use the key press action with the option key up to release the key (video tutorial).

To simulate pressing a keyboard shortcut "hotkey", consider using the dedicated "hotkey" action.

For longer text (vs single key presses), consider using the Text input action.


Video tutorial

The hotkey press action simulates pressing a hotkey combination (such as CTRL+ALT+ D).

After defining the hotkey combination, Macro Recorder compiles the shortcut into individual key down and up events in the macro script:

Text output

Video tutorial

This action item combines multiple key press events to a single text input event for easier macro editing:

Macro Recorder can output the text either by using the system clipboard or by simulate typing key-by-key. The "Humanize" option adds small random delays between individual key strokes.

To automate entering long phrases we strongly recommend to combine Macro Recorder with our Text Expander PhraseExpress.

Phrase insertion

Macro Recorder can insert phrases stored in the text snippet program PhraseExpress.

To add a phrase output to your macro script:
  1. Open the PhraseExpress main program window
  2. Drag & drop the desired phrase from the left-hand PhraseExpress phrase tree into your macro script.

Macro Recorder will add an phrase output action at the desired position in your macro script.

The phrase contents will not be stored in your macro file but just a reference pointing to the phrase of the phrase library loaded in PhraseExpress.

PhraseExpress must be installed with the same phrase library on the same computer where you run the macro.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents