This documentation is for Macro Recorder v4 beta. Click here the for current production version 3 documentation.

Debugging tools

Macro Recorder offers debugging tools, allowing you to analyze and troubleshoot your macros:

Show notification

Macro Recorder can issue a text notification.

Example output:

To add a variable to text notification text, right-click in the input box and select the desired variable:

Notifications may be disabled in the operating system. Make sure to have notification enabled for Macro Recorder:

Show message box

Macro Recorder can show a message box that may include variable values.


The OK, OK/Cancel, Yes/No buttons can be configured to jump to specific macro sections, defined by their label.

The message box text may include variables. To add a variable to the text, right-click in the input box and select the desired variable:


The beep action outputs a system beep, for example to let you know when a specific script section has been reached or an error section of your script has been called.

Variable Explorer

The Variable Explorer lists all variables and their text/image contents that are created/updated during playback of a macro script for debugging purposes.

To show the Variable Explorer, click the Variable Explorer icon in the tab "View" of the program main menu:

Every variable update is highlighted in yellow color. To see a larger preview, select the desired variable and resize the preview pane as needed.

To hide the Variable Explorer click the X in the top right of the window.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents