This documentation is for Macro Recorder v4 beta. Click here the for current production version 3 documentation.

Command-line parameters

Macro Recorder Professional Edition for Windows can be controlled through command-line parameters. This can be used to start macros from 3rd party applications.

Video tutorial

Example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\MacroRecorder\MacroRecorder.exe" -play="C:\folder\my macro file.mrf"

File paths containing spaces needs to be enclosed in double quotation marks.

Command-line parameterDescription
-play [=macro file]Launches Macro Recorder and plays the specified macro script. If no macro file is specified, the currently loaded phrase file is used.
-startat=xPlays the macro at the specificed line, e.g. -startat=10 would start the macro at line 10.
-open=macro fileLaunches Macro Recorder and loads the specified macro file.
-closeExit the Macro Recorder.
-recordLaunches Macro Recorder and starts recording.


Stops playback or recording.
-minimizedExecute the macro with a minimized Macro Recorder program window.
-shutdownShut-down computer after macro execution (after a security count-down).
-restartRestart computer after macro execution (after a security count-down).
-silentSuppresses any error notification (except notification actions).

Table of Contents

Table of Contents